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How to sharpen a chainsaw

There is a gulf of knowledge between those who use a tool for a living and those who use a tool on an occasional basis. If you are a forester who uses a chainsaw every day, you have to know how to maintain the tools you rely on. For the casual user, you probably have little understanding of chainsaws and the maintenance they require.

A brand-new chainsaw will cut through a log like butter. But after a while the cuts start shooting out smaller and smaller chunks until the saw is only creating dust and the blade starts drifting to one side or another. If you hit the dirt or a rock, the saw blade can get dull rather quickly. Each cut takes longer and longer..

For the beginner, the solution can be buying a new chainsaw blade or having it professionally sharpened but those who know what they are doing can learn to sharpen and maintain their chainsaw blade with the proper file.

This video provides an excellent, easy-understanding explanation of how to maintain your chainsaw and keep it sharp.

This stump vise provides a great “in the field” setup for sharpening chainsaw blades.

Fast, easy, portable, precise, tough: Ultra-rapid chain sharpening in a lightweight tool. Sharpens your chain in seconds. Sharpening stone is included with the combo.

Step 1:

  • Place the file guide over the cutter. The file should be placed between the cutter and the depth gauge.
  • File in one direction using the filing angles on the file guide.

Step 2:

  • Recheck depth gauges.
  • Check the height by placing the depth gauge tool on cutters near the midpoint of the chainsaw guide bar.
  • Check the height after every third or fourth sharpening.

Step 3:

  • If a cutter is above the slot in the depth gauge tool, file it until it is level with the tool.
  • File the leading edge until it is round.

Need to sharpen a lot of chains for your work crew? Then you might consider a bench chain grinder like this.