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Living with Nature

Ever since moving to coast of Maine (Mount Desert Island) and then the Upper Valley region of New Hampshire (Hanover via Etna), I’ve seen a lot of wildlife in the backyard.

In Maine we had seals and plenty of deer plus bald eagles flying over head.  In Etna we had fox, deer, moose and even a bear in the back yard.  But I think I’ve seen the most wildlife in our most recent home in Grantham, NH.

With a pond in the back yard and plenty of woods, I’ve seen bears and deer.  Also fox and a fisher as well as rabbits, chipmunks and squirrels.  We get migrating ducks and lots of Great Blue Herons who like to fish on the banks of the small pond.

The scene above was captured in my backyard on Anderson Pond.  Nothing beats watching the changing seasons along a body of water in New Hampshire. You see the leaves change, the snow fall, the water freezing over and the animals hunting and gathering along the edges. So is life on Anderson Pond.