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Game Room Furniture Ideas

I had a discussion about pinball machine game rooms with a friend of mine recently. In my opinion, the mistake too many people make is trying to combine lounging around with pinball machines.

Pinball machines are made to play standing. Sitting on a comfy sofa is for TV watching or movie viewing. The two are kind of incompatible because once people settle into a comfy easy chair, couch, love seat or sofa, they tend to stay there.

A Body At Rest Remains At Rest

Newton’s First Law of Motion states that a body at rest will remain at rest unless an outside force acts on it. In other words, it takes a whole lot of effort to get some back to playing pinball, darts, billards for whatever once they come to rest.

a body in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by an outside force.

The trick with furniture, which every bar owner knows, is to keep the seated bar patrons at the same level as the dancers or game players. High tops, stool, bar counters are all close to the same height as people who are standing. A waitress can come over to someone at a high top and talk eye to eye. A gentleman can walk over to a pretty young thing seated at the bar and ask her to dance while looking into her eyes.

A pinball player can take a rest by sitting on a stool, watch the action and easily hop off for the next game. If you collapse into a deep sofa, all you see is the coin door and it takes real effort to get back up again for your turn at the pinball machine.

Here are some ideas for game room furniture which allows for a place for a drink and perhaps to rest on one’s elbows between turns.