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Creating Professional Looking Video

I venture to say that every modern digital camera sold today is capable of shooting video.  If you follow any of the camera vloggers when they review cameras, you’d think everyone is shooting video with their DSLRs and that the video features on  cameras are one of the top features.

They are always complaining about the shortcomings of the latest camera when it comes to video, as if that was the main feature.  I kind of think the average camera buyer never even uses the video functions.

Personally, I shoot video clips for my own uses in my promotional videos as well as shooting clips for licensing for stock on my Pond5 account.  You can view my clips here:

I create little movies for my YouTube channel, basically for my own amusement as you can tell from my view count, but occasionally one gets a few hundred views or so.

Shaky video is the mark of an amateur and stock video sites won’t take handheld video so a tripod is a must.  Special fluid pan heads can be used to create movement .

Other tools to create professional looking video is the use of sliders.

Sliders allow the camera to move along a single plane.  You can get hand sliders or motorized sliders.  Sliding by hand takes practice to get smooth results.  You can try pulling the camera along by a rubber band to keep the movements from being jerky.